Monday, October 17, 2011

October 13 2011

Pulled Pork

6 Lbs Pork Roast

1.5 Tbsp ground black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1.5 Tbsp ground cumin
3 Tbsp paprika
1 Tbsp dried oregano
2 Tbsp dark brown sugar
1 Tbsp white sugar
2 Tbsp salt

Mix the spices together and coat the pork.  Go ahead and put all this in the slow cooker pot to save on dishes.  This part was done on Monday because it was convenient, but can be done right before cooking.  Right before bed on Wednesday place the pot in the slow cooker, add enough water to almost cover the pork and turn it to low.  In the morning remove the pork from the cooker, tearing it apart as you go.  Drain the liquid off into a bowl, not the sink.  Place the pork back into the slow cooker and put some of the reserved cooking liquid back it.  It should be about halfway up the pork, not covering completely.  Turn the cooker to warm.  All you need is a pair of thongs when lunch time comes around.


2 Lb bag of carrots
2 Tbsp chopped Parsley
2 Tbsp butter
Salt to taste

Peal and chop the carrots into your favorite shape (I prefer sticks instead of circles).  Simmer the carrots in a pan with about an inch of water in the bottom for 5 minutes or until they reach your preferred tenderness.  Drain the carrots and place them in a serving dish with the butter, parsley and salt.  Stir.  Refrigerate until lunch on Thursday and then reheat in the microwave for about 5 minutes.


1 Large bag of Frozen Chopped Spinach
1/2 Onion - diced
3 Garlic Cloves - minced
Salt and Pepper to taste

Add all ingredients to a skillet.  Cook on medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes until the spinach is defrosted and onion and garlic are cooked a bit.  Refrigerate until lunch on Thursday and then reheat in the microwave for about 5 minutes.

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